TUMC Calendar
Saturday, February 08, 2014
Trinity United Methodist Women
"The Roma of Europe" 2014 Mission Study Event @ Mt. Hebron Church
As members, we need to be aware that “The Roma of Europe” is the UMW Mission Study for 2014. Because we will not meet before this event, those of you who are able to attend, please do so and tell your circle about it.
This year’s UMW mission study focus is the Roma people of Europe.
Saturday morning February 8th from 10 a.m. Until 12 noon, Mt. Hebron UMW is hosting a brunch and mission study program in the Fellowship Hall of the church. The study will be presented by Ann Alexander, who taught this class at last summer’s Mission U event.
The Roma, also known as Travelers or Gypsies, living in Europe are an impoverished group of people living in deplorable conditions, denied health care, education, jobs and are often evicted from their homes and the cities they live in.
The Methodist Church has been in mission with the Roma people for many years, and in more recent years, the United Methodist Women have joined in this ministry.
Now WE have an opportunity to learn how our church is reaching out to these people. The United Methodist Advance Program has provided a way we can be involved and offer support for this ministry through Advance #3020676. At this study program a love offering will be collected, to be channelled through the church to that Advance which serves the Ministry with Roma in Central and Southern Europe.
We hope you can join Mt. Hebron UMW for this mission event. It will be fun as well as informative. If you have questions or comments and /or wish to attend please contact Dianne Youngblood by phone at 803-794-3554 or email