This Week's Schedule

Saturday, March 07, 2015

Columbia District United Women Coming to Trinity UMC

For Annual Day Apart Retreat


     Excitement! Trinity is hosting the Annual Day Apart Retreat this Saturday, March 7, 2015. Registration, beginning at 8:45, will be held in the Gathering Area where breakfast refreshments will also be provided. 

     The program, in the Sanctuary, begins at 9:30 a.m. The theme this year is HER STORY. The Message will be given by “Becky” J. Shirley, Pastor of Platt Springs UMC, speaking about women in the Bible. It should be very interesting!  Jewel promises a wonderful Luncheon to follow in the Fellowship Hall. 

     It will take all of us working together to “pull this off.” If you haven’t been contacted and would like to help, please call Marilyn Lloyd (794-2563), Jewel Pearcy (1-843-563-9430) or Lynn Martin (309-8195). Jewel will need volunteers to prepare and serve the noon Luncheon and help with clean up. Others will be needed to escort or direct visitors to the Sanctuary or Bathrooms, etc. Thank you in advance for your helpfulness.

     We will be meeting with Betty Bradley, Columbia District Spiritual Growth Coordinator on Friday night, March 6 at 6:15 p.m. to set up the Gathering Area for Saturday. If you can help, please come.

     It really is exciting to invite the United Methodist Women in the Columbia area to our beautiful facility and share our lovely Sanctuary for this special program.