This Week's Schedule
Saturday, October 26, 2019
10 AM – 1 PM
Make your own special goodies or know someone who does? Are you a direct sales vendor? Want to rent space at Trinity United Methodist Church at our Fall Festival? We will have vendors, homemade goods, BBQ for sale and a bounce house for the kids while your customers shop!
Country Store
As part of the Fall Festival, the UMW will be selling baked goods in our famous Country Store and we need our wonderful cooks to donate cakes, pies, cookies, bread, jams and jellies, etc. We will also have Trinity T-shirts, books, and any handmade items you’d like to donate. Please price your items and bring them to the church fellowship hall on Friday, the 25th, or Saturday morning before 9:00. Signup sheets will be on the table in the Gathering Area or you may contact Lynn Martin at (803) 309-8195.

Silent Auction
Kay Jordan is currently selecting items for the Silent Auction. Items can be new, high quality vintage items, crafts, art, jewelry and other. If you provide a service or sell a product, you can provide a gift certificate or donate an item. If you can contribute, please call (803) 315-0673 or email me at
Spread the word about Fall Festival
Part of the success of our Fall Festival depends on our members' and the community's support. We have erected the banner on Mohawk and set up the event on Facebook. But we need your help in spreading the word.
There are flyers and small posters on the table in the Gathering Area. Please take a few of the flyers and distribute them to your friends and neighbors. Take one or more of the small posters and ask local businesses in the area (restaurants, pharmacies, gas stations, etc.) that you frequent to put up a poster.
The profit from the Fall Festival will benefit UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief), the victims of Dorian in the Bahamas through HeadKnowles, and Sistercare. Thank you for your help!