This Week's Schedule

Sunday, October 06, 2024


Sunday, October 6

11 a.m.


We warmly invite you and your beloved pets to a special worship service on Sunday, October 6th at 11:00 a.m.  Inspired by the birthday of St. Francis and adapted from our own United Methodist Book of Worship, this unique service is a wonderful way to celebrate the joy and companionship of our pets, and to thank God for all the wonderful gifts of Creation.

Whether your pet has fur, feathers or fins, all creatures are welcome!  We’ll gather outside (weather permitting) for a time of prayer, reflection and blessing. A pet is not required for attendance; this is our Sunday worship service. Bring the whole family—some may require leashes or carriers.  If your pet is unable to attend, please feel free to bring a photo, and we’ll bless them in spirit (thanks for that great idea, Pam & Faye). Blessing certificates with your pet’s name will be available. 

If you have a pop-up or canopy tarp that we might borrow for our outside service that day, please contact the church office at 803-794-7777 or email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  We’ll also need three or four volunteers to set up chairs outside on the morning of the event.  A volunteer sign up sheet will be available in the lobby.

Let’s also discuss the possibility of bringing pet food or other special gifts as a donation to our local animal shelter.  The pastor would love to hear your thoughts and ideas.  Most importantly, let’s use this opportunity to invite friends, family and neighborhood animal lovers to this special worship event at our church!  Say a prayer, spread the word and give God the glory!   

 If you have any questions, just ask Rev. Kelley at 845-416-7308.  Thank you!